Anxiety is best described as feeling afraid, but withno connection to that fear. Anxiety isoften felt in the stomach, spreading to the troth when it gets worse. Some people experience nausea, vomiting, or shortness ofbreath.
Whathappens if you ignore anxiety for too long?
Anxiety is a problem because if you don't address itenough anxiety builds up and eventually you will have panic attacks. Panic attacks are the most frightening experience you canhave. It is described by many as a panicattack that feels like a heart attack. Some even believe they are about to die. You know what I'm talking about if you have ever had panicattacks. This is not enough. If you havehad a panic attack before, you will be so afraid that you will experience itagain. This anxiety will increase andeventually lead to another panic attack.
Acceptance is the first step.
Before you do anything else, the first thing youshould do is accept that you have an issue. Accept that you cannot control your emotions. This is a good thing. Acceptthe fact that you don't have all the tools or skills yet. You must also learn to relax and to listen to your body. It is often easy to pinpoint the source of anxiety anddetermine what it was. Stress, suddenchanges in your life such as a divorce or the death of a loved one could all befactors. To find the right answer, youmust first listen to your body. Acceptance is key.
Next isaction
You can overcome anxiety by learning how to deal withit. Therapy and medication are the mostpopular options. This is because youranxiety problem will disappear soon after you take the medication. The symptoms disappear and you are unable to feel themanymore. This is why it is common for anxiety sufferers to become dependent onmedication for many years. The anxietyreturns when they stop taking the medication. The same thing happens with mindfulness and meditation. Meditation can help you deal with symptoms as they occur,but it is better than medication. You canlook around the market and find the right solution for you.